Thursday, December 29, 2011

Parenthots -- 比赛得奖了

这是件开心的事。。我参加Parenthots 举办的一项比赛得奖了!付出小小的努力,得到大大的收获。。感觉好好噢!
赢得了八本的Disney 作业簿,而且Parenthots还特地寄给我哦!



Learning how to encourage young children to read is a major responsibility of every parent. As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When you help your child learn to read, you are opening the door to a world of books and learning.

Here are some ways that I use to make reading a positive experience for my little son:

* Young children learn how to read through encouragement. Never force your child to read. This could lead to your child resenting reading and seeing it as a chore.

* Encourage him to join in when you are baking or cooking – ask him to read out a recipe for you.

* Surround him with reading materials. Tempt him to read by having a large supply of appealing books and magazines at his reading level. Put the reading materials in cars, bedrooms and the living room.

* Encourage everyone (friends and relatives) to give books or book tokens as birthday presents.

* Visit the library or bookstore regularly. Entice your child to read more by taking him to the library every few weeks to get new reading materials.

* Encourage him to carry a book at all times – and do this yourself, too.

* Be a good role model. Let your child see you reading, especially for pleasure or information, he will understand that reading is a worthwhile activity.

* Make sure your home is a reading home – have a family bookshelf and make sure there are shelves in your child’s bedroom as well.

* Read aloud to him and also listen to him read aloud. Also ask him to tell you about the book or story that he has read.

* During reading time, try and avoid distractions like the television. Make sure the environment is quiet and suitable for reading.

* Subscribe to children’s monthly magazines and make your child the recipient.

* Write love notes to him and have him write back.

The most important thing is to keep it fun!

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